Broecker Family

August Dinner

Back by popular demand, suggested by a member of the group, don’t blame me if you don’t like this place, the UN won’t eat here but who cares about the UN, the Olympics will almost be over and school will not have started, Soooooooo, get off your butts (sorry if I offended anyone) and join us ASAP.  OH, you want to know where/when/time/etc?  OK if you insist.


WHERE:             Selena’s at Whipps Mill

LOCATION:        Anchorage on LaGrange Rd

DATE:                 Aug 9th,

TIME:                   6pm



Let me know ASAP so that I can make reservations.  I’ll call on Monday Aug 6th,


Now you know so no reason not to attend.  THEY HAVE A KIDS MENU FOR THOSE THAT HAVE KIDS.  If you want to rent some let me know.

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